Well, hello there! Welcome to More to Mrs. E! My name is Virginia and I am a High School teacher who has embraced finding balance beyond the workplace! A few years ago I started this blog because I realized that I had let my job define me and crowd out my other passions. Anyone else been there?!
This is my place to unwind from the academic nature of my classroom and invest in my other passions: Fashion, Beauty and DIY.
My Story
I love teaching! Something changes inside this introverted soul and I become inspired and charismatic. I adore high school students and it’s so difficult to explain that passion because on the same day that they make me want want to pull my hair out (or theirs, ha!), they also make me laugh and tug at my heart strings. The first few years of teaching I only had time to eat, sleep, plan and teach. I wore whatever I stumbled into at 5:30 in the morning and pretty much forgot about my hair. I let my passion for teaching dominate my life and age me beyond my years.
That’s when things changed for me. I got a hair cut, bought some fancy shoes (Hey, I was single and had a real job for the first time in my life! I could actually afford to pay more than $15 at Payless!), started scouring Pinterest for ways to wear the items in my closet and watched youtube videos for how to apply makeup and do hair! I’m a researcher and so I turned my research skills towards figuring out all these fashion and beauty secrets that I had never learned. On my breaks from school, rather than spending the entire time planning, I started doing DIY projects for my home or classroom.
Though this started as a way for me to look and feel my age (rather than 20 years older…), it turned into the creative outlet that helped me express myself and find balance in my life. I felt happier and more confident, which in turn made me a better teacher. When I got married I was able to go part-time and my husband started encouraging me to start my own blog. He thought that there were probably other teachers, moms, and young professionals out there who would benefit from my “research.”
What You Will Find on More to Mrs. E
Whether you’re strapped for time and just need ideas for an outfit for tomorrow, or someone who has interest in beauty and fashion but just can’t make yourself do the research, my hope is that I can save you time and give you the encouragement to try new things! I want to inspire you to express yourself beyond whatever it is that currently defines you and find balance in your life. Dress professionally, but trendy! Pour yourself into your work and also make your home a beautiful place that makes you happy!
I’m definitely not an expert, but I’m learning and I enjoy sharing what I am learning with my blog community. I’m a researcher, for goodness sake! My research doesn’t ALL have to be about the newest strategy for engaging students or Russia’s Constitutional changes! There is MORE to Mrs. E!
If you’re new to More to Mrs. E, thanks so much for stopping by. Stay awhile, grab a coffee with me and let’s talk about fun and pretty things! Use the Contact link above to let me know what you’d love to learn about or share with me your own struggle with balance. I would LOVE to hear from you and hear your story.
Make sure to check back every Monday for an affordable outfit post or a useful DIY tutorial. Even better, subscribe to me via Bloglovin’ so you don’t miss a post and follow me on Instagram and Facebook for more deal alerts and behind the scenes fun!